Lizzy Lloyd Creative Director



It must be love. Eight ways to build engagement with your audience.

In my world, marketing is an art of love. In love, we expect giving more than taking. In love, we encourage communication. In love, we expect reciprocation. So taking these principles of love and applying them to your business's marketing strategy will indeed create a love story between you and your audience.

In this article, let me give you 8 ways to build love engagement between you and your audience.

Create the perfect love story between you and and your clients using powerful marketing and beautiful design.

Be Authentic

The more authentic you are, the more you attract the right audience to your brand. The best audience is the right audience, and the way to attract the right audience is to be completely real about what your brand offers. In other words, if you are a start-up cosmetic business with a team of two, let your audience know you are a small family-run business. The last thing you want to do is portray yourself as a large business and find yourself attracting clients who do not fit your growth stage.

Be Consistent

Are you always on time, on point, and consistent with your message and image? So you have caught the attention of your perfect audience, the next step is to begin as you mean to go on. Is your brand youthful and fun, using humour in the copy and using happy, bright colours and images? Well, this is part of what attracted your audience to you, so you must keep consistent because this will help your audience feel comfortable with you as they know what to expect.


Share and spread the love with your audience. Think about various ways you can give back to your audience and community. Reciprocation is essential in a healthy love story. Now that your audience has bought into your brand, do not forget to show interest in them. This can be done by developing loyalty schemes, discounts, and sales. Let your audience feel appreciated by reciprocating their commitment to your brand.

Build Connections

Your audience is more than a like, a comment and an order! Don't lose sight of connecting with the people. Get to know names and patterns, and send direct messages to help inform, educate, and support your audience. Through thoughtful and meaningful connections, you can develop greater brand loyalty.

Have Clarity

Be clear about what you offer, and make it easy for your audience to know you are a perfect match. As the love story progresses, continue to clarify your services, product and brand so your audience understands what you offer and how to access the offer.

Best marketing strategy with Lizzy Lloyd Creative Designs!

Tell your story

A brand without a story is no fun! Every brand and business has a story to tell, and a great way of connecting and furthering your authenticity with your audience is by sharing your story!

You can share your story on your website and even create graphics that share parts of your story on social media.

Share testimonials & reviews

Another great way to engage with your audience is by sharing testimonials and reviews given to you by other customers. Potential customers will find this a great way to get to know more about your business and feel safer about using your service or buying your products. So be sure to ask current customers for testimonials and reviews that you can share on your website and social media pages.

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Why work with Lizzy Lloyd

Lizzy Lloyd operates as a freelance agency, which means that we offer services as a freelancer with the added value of consultancy. No matter what stage you are in your business journey, we can step in and support you to the next growth stage! We offer full consultancy services to get an understanding and scope as to what can be delivered for the budget. Once the project has been defined, a project brief is written up, and then our agency can proceed to the next step as a freelancer to complete the work. The work is carried out exclusively by Lizzy Lloyd Creative Designs, so clients have one point of contact at all times and, therefore, can ensure consistency.

Would you like a free 30 minutes consultation to see how we could work together? Then call Lizzy Lloyd on (+44) 79 4676 2494 or drop me a line at

Are you ready to imagine the possibilities?

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